Round and Long Barrows

These are types of Tumulus: an underground style of monument used in the early Neolithic period, typically a mound of earth constructed over either timber or stone. Construction methods range from a single creation of heaped materials to a complicated depositional sequence involving alternating layers of stone, soil, turfs and timbers.

In modern times they are typically private niches built within a stone or brick and earth structure that holds an urn or urns that contain cremated remains.

One of our ANBG members is building a round barrow in Dorset. Please see : and you can also find barrows in Shropshire, Warwickshire and Cambridgeshire.

There are a few companies who offer this option across the UK, and we recommend that you research further on the internet, to make sure you find a suitable resting place that is right for you or the person that has died. Here are some considerations to help you:

  • It can give a sense of connection to the past

  • It provides you with a time to say goodbye

  • The custodians of the barrows have a deep connection with the land and the environment so ask them about the longevity of the barrow

  • It provides a place to visit that is peaceful

  • It is only used for ashes

  • Be mindful, as quite often there are time limitations on use as a final resting place, so always check the Ts & Cs.


Is a room, wall or freestanding structure and can be located in a cemetery, church or mausoleum. It contains recessed compartments or niches that vary in size and shape that offer a safe, secure and tranquil resting place. Columbarium can be built either indoors or outside and may have a plaque or stone that states who rests there.

A Columbarium is attractive to those who wish to be cremated but for religious or other reasons do no wish to be interred in the ground, scattered or kept at home.